


風格 工業(yè)風 、簡歐風 、現代簡約

空間 客廳 、餐廳 、工程 、臥室 、書房

顏色 中性色:黑 白 灰

Le cabine armadio si arricchiscono delle cassettiere a isola.elementi che completano con eleganza l'ambiente dedicato alguardaroba. Perfette a centrostanza, contengono ed espon-gono allo stesso tempo, grazie ai frontali in legno o vetro. Lapeculiarita di Senzafine e la versatilita: la cassettiera firmataPoliform si puo personalizzare nelle dimensioni e nelle attrez-zature, abbinando le finiture a quelle della cabina armadio.Set-Up, disegnata da Rodolfo Dordoni,  un gioiello di raffina.tezza, con top in vetro e vani a giorno.

The walk-in closets are enriched by island chests of draw-ers, elements that elegantly complete the wardrobe envi-ronment. Perfect in the middle of the room , they store anddisplay at the same time, thanks to the fronts in wood orglass. The peculiarity of Senzafine is its versatility: the chestof drawers by Poliform can be customized in size and equip.ment, matching the finishes with those of the walk-in closetSet-Up, designed by R odolfo Dordoni, is a jewel of refinement.with a glass top and open compartments.








版權所有?2023 南昌燕峰家居有限公司 贛ICP備2023007049號-1 聯系方式:400-837-2869 聯系地址:江西省南昌市南昌縣保吉路與黛洲路交叉口東北方向200米左右 技術支持:江西華邦.png

友情鏈接: 南昌燕峰家居有限公司 樂峰全屋定制

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